

Autumnal Nostalgia from Abroad 异国秋思-SYU英文宣传微平台

Autumnal Nostalgia from Abroad 异国秋思-SYU英文宣传微平台闪灵侠
Lu Yin

自从我们搬到郊外以来,天气渐渐清凉了。那短篱边牵延着的毛豆叶子,已露出枯黄的颜色来,白色的小野菊,一丛丛由草堆里钻出头来,还有小朵的黄花在凉劲的秋风中抖颤。这一些景象,最容易勾起人们的秋思,况且身在异国呢!低声吟着“帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦”之句神盾风控 ,这个小小的灵宫,是弥漫了怅惘的情绪。

It has been getting cool since we moved to the suburbs here. The soybean leaves straggling over the short fence begin to yellow, the little white flowers of the wild chrysanthemums creep in clumps out of weed clusters, and the small goldenrods quiver in the crisp autumnal breeze. All these scenes converge to evoke a feeling of autumnal nostalgia from anyone seeing them大众公园 , not to mention us出金屋记 , now held up in a foreign country! As is revealed in the poetic line I hum at the moment, “The door drape swings in the west wind; lingering thoughts make me skinnier than a yellow mum,” this small dwelling of mine is permeated with a sense of melancholy.

书房里格外显得清寂,那窗外蔚蓝如碧海似的青天,和淡金色的阳光。还有挟着桂花香的阵风,都含了极强烈的铁马战车,挑拨人类心弦的力量,在这种刺激之下,我们不能继续那死板的读书工作了。在那一天午饭后,波便提议到附近吉祥寺去看秋景,三点多钟我们乘了市外电车前去,——这路程太近了,我们的身体刚刚坐稳便到了基洛夫飞艇 。走出长甬道的车站,绕过火车轨道,就看见一座高耸的木牌坊,在横额上有几个汉字写着“井之头恩赐公园”。我们走进牌坊,便见马路两旁树木葱笼,绿荫匝地,一种幽妙的意趣,萦缭脑际,我们怔怔地站在树影下,好像身入深山古林了。在那枝柯掩映中,一道金黄色的柔光正荡漾着。使我想象到一个披着金绿柔发的仙女,正赤着足,踏着白云,从这里经过的情景。李允浩 再向西方看,一抹彩霞,正横在那迭翠的峰峦上,如黑点的飞鸦,穿林翩翻,我一缕的愁心真不知如何安派,我要吩咐征鸿把它带回故国吧!无奈它是那样不着迹的去了。

The study is especially solitude-inducing, but outside the window, the world with the azure sky lie a blue sea, the soft, golden sun rays, and the Osmanthus blossom-scented crisp wind exerts an extremely powerful force that strikes an enticing chord at us human souls, and driven by it杜丘之歌 , we can no longer stay in the room over the dull work of studying. One day after Lunch, Bo suggests that we go to the nearby Kichijōji Temple to see how it looks like in autumn. After three o’clock, we are already on the suburban trolley bus. The temple is so close than no sooner do we settle onto the bus than we have already arrived. Walking out of the long corridor of the bus stop and crossing the trolley rail, we see a wooden arched memorial gate, and inscribed across it on a banner are a few Chinese characters: “Inokashira Onshi Park.”

Entering the gate, we see verdant and lush trees flanking both sides of the road, their shade overspreading the ground, creating a lingering sense of seclusion and subtlety. As if venturing into an ancient forested and mountainous area, we stand in the shade, in a daze. Through the clusters of the boughs and branches, a strip of soft, golden light is rippling, giving me the illusion of a fairy flying by, her soft, golden-green hair hanging down over her shoulder and her bare feet treading on a white cloud. As we peer farther west, a strip of rosy cloud stretches out over the green-flora-covered mountain ridges and peaks like a flying black bird乐山名盛房产 , fluttering through a forest. As I am about to ask the migrating wild geese to take my nostalgic heart back to my home country, for I don’t know how otherwise to comfort it, to my dismay, the cloud is already gone without a trace.

(徐英才 译)