

Awards - 杰出奖项获奖者 Outstanding-喜越南沙

Awards | 杰出奖项获奖者 Outstanding-喜越南沙

We encourage our associates to go beyond through meaningful acts of service and take care of each other in our hotel.Below associates are awarded as the outstanding awards of March & April through their outstanding performance.
Outstanding Award Winners of March&April
Outstanding Care for Associate

Zhang Shuyu 张树玉
Department: ENG
部门: 工程部
Position:Building Service Technician
John who is from ENG had a bad cold a few days ago, he felt very uncomfortable due to high fever and couldn’t sleep well at 1AM on April 21. As his roommate, Zhang Shuyu felt John’s abnormal that night, so he immediately got up to find medicine and water for him, Zhang Shuyu was worried about John, he didn’t go to sleep until John felt better.
The next day John went to the hospital, Zhang called him to know more about it. John came back to dormitory until 2AM, Zhang woke up and asked if he felt better. Zhang shuyu cared for his associate even it might reduce his rest time. In fact, Zhang shuyu is very concerned about associates, he always takes care of other associates who feel uncomfortable and shares his happiness to his associates.
前段时间工程部的何工得了重感冒,在21日凌晨1点突然发高烧,情况不太好,何工感到十分不舒服而无法入眠。同宿舍的张树玉在睡梦中感觉到了何工的异常,当时就立即起床来照看他,找到发烧药并倒好水给何工服下金花媛 ,因害怕发烧影响何工的身体,张树玉一直照看直到他情况好些才入睡。第二天何工去医院打吊针一直没有回来,张树玉因为担心就立即打电话给他询问其情况,直到凌晨2点何工才回到宿舍重生之香途,睡梦中的张树玉听到他回来了马上起来询问他是否有些好转,张树玉并没有介意会影响到自己的睡眠还主动关心同事身体。他的行为非常值得称赞。其实,平时张树玉是以个十分关心同事的人,每次遇到同事身体不适都会给予关心问候和饮食提醒并会与他们分享自己的生活乐趣。
Outstanding Care for Guest
Lily Lan 兰春艳
Department: Housekeeping
部门: 客房部
Position:Room Attendant
Lily Lan is a cheerful福晋凶猛 , enthusiastic woman from Guangxi province, she always works earnestly, gets along well with her associates, and provides warm service for every guest.
Lily worked on the 14th floor in April. When Lily cleaned room 1405, she found the guest was a lady. And Lily found used tampons in the garbage can, she speculated that the guest was menstruating. At the same time, she added a few more sanitary bags in the room. In addition鹤顶红金鱼 , Lily put a towel on the bed, in order to make the guest feel comfortable and not worry about sheets when she was sleeping.
When the guest came back her room in that evening, she found Lily had done special things for her and felt pretty surprised. The guest gave us a call, it was first exclusive and considerate service since she stayed in the hotel. Hence she hoped to thank Lily and praised her service, the guest said that she would stay in our hotel next time.
Lily delights our guests through meaningful acts of service.
四月份的一天,春艳在14楼当班。清洁1405房间时,她发现客人是一位女士,细心的春艳发现客人房间有一些用过的生理期用品,便推测客人可能这几天刚好处于生理期,她便给客人多加了一些卫生袋用来装脏东西乐动舞指。另外,刘进荣 细心周到的春艳还为客人在床上垫了一条毛巾,以防客人睡觉时将床品弄脏,带来不适的睡眠体验。当天晚上1405的客人回到客房后发现服务员为她做的一切,十分的惊喜与感动。还特意致电给我们张子筠 ,表示这是她住酒店以来唯一一次有服务员这么贴心的为她着想,让我们一定要表扬下春艳王异无惨 。客人表示下次还入住我们的酒店。
这就是我们的春艳猛龙特囧 ,想客人之所想,急客人之所急。用心的为客人提供满意的服务,让客人开心而来,满意而去!
Outstanding Care for Business
Suger Lao 劳瑞晶
Department: F&B
部门: 餐饮部
Position:Yue Senior Waitress
Suger is responsible and patient. She is willing to communicate with guests, and she knows every regular guest’s preference. There are more guests during the holidays, Suger always be patient and never ignore any guests. She recommended dishes according to the guest's needs and noticed the chefs if the guest had special requirements. If the guests has some suggestions to us, Suger will listen carefully and record the important points. When the guests comes to YUE, she will remember guests’ preferences for providing better service next time.
One day Mr. Chen had 8 tables in YUE Restaurant, and it was all full on that day. Suger was sick and went to see the doctor. When Suger knew that YUE was full and they didn’t have enough associates on duty, she insisted to come back to work with no doubt. When Mr. Chen finished his dining, he learned about Suger’s situation, he expressed his appreciation and affirmation to Suger. Mr. Chen convinced that YUE Restaurant is his right choice.
中餐厅劳瑞晶在日常工作中认真负责、有耐心、善于与客人沟通,并清楚记得熟客的名字及了解客人的喜好。每逢假期,餐厅用餐的客人特别多吴江永鼎医院 ,但是她并没有因为客流量增多而忽略任何一位客人,根据客户想要吃进行菜品推荐,如客人有特殊需求会与厨房提前沟通。耐心听取每位客人用餐后的建议,并记录重点。客人采悦轩用餐的时候,她会记住该客人的用餐喜好,待客人再次光临时提供更好的服务。

Congratulations to all of them!
我们一起祝贺以上同事获得认可晕机女 !
We Want You
Last but not least,
let's be inspired to go beyond!
