

birds for a feast of senses 美途(7)Early-沁学音语

birds for a feast of senses 美途(7)Early-沁学音语
— A storyabout Ventura Harbor Village...

(1) Saturday Fishermen’s Market
We know there is a harbor sometime ago in family communications. Where we can buy fresh seafood sold by fishermen every Saturday. May 19, we decided to get up early to go there to buy some by chance either prawns or crabs and black cods. Those are favorite seafoods in the season and this area. The place is called Ventura Harbor Village.We started from 7:30am and arrived around 8:00am. But we saw many people took their bags from market drove away while we just parked. That meant we are not real early birds and might be late.

(2) Buy, Buy and Buy
It is just 50 meters from parking lot to the market. About 30 customers and three or four dealers were in the market. We came to the nearest one and queued up the front of a white plastic box which was contented with a half of box yellow crabs.

We were afraid they were sold out soon when we saw everyone took more than 5 or 6 crabs. A few minutes late we got 7 crabs in the bag finally. It costed about $23. The yellow crab was one of most favorites in the market. We also got some rockfishes. So we almost satisfied about this morning “catch”.

(3) A Tour Around The Harbor
Greenie almost held her camera during our queuing for buying fishes till we join her in the pier with three bags of 5 kind of fishes. The harbor is decorated by thousand fishing boats berthed one by one. They are painted in white above deck and in black or blue on the side of body. Comparing the green water, blue sky , green trees and red building, the white is major tint in the harbor, even seagulls look gray.

There is a monument written “fishermen’s memorial” in the front of harbor facing to the entrance from sea. It is beautiful. This is also a destination for visitors. We did not go through all the sight since we had fresh fishers to be cleaned before cooked or frozen. We drove back after a few pictures taken

(4) An Unplanned Dinner Party
On the way to the harbor, there was a message flashed in Alice’s cellphone. It was from her senior (fellow apprentice) to invite us to his house for a lunch party. We decided to offer a counter proposal to invite him and his wife to come our apartment for a seafood feast. Alice drove the car back to home. I washed and cleaned all fishes. Greenie cooked everything. A great seafood dinner was made on table before 11:40am as planed. 5 adults completed all plus a big size bowl of salads

翻译: Paix
之前的家庭沟通中知道有一个港口嫂子去哪儿 ,每周六都可以在这里从渔夫手里买到新鲜的海鲜。5/19,我们决定早点起床,去哪里随机买点对虾,螃蟹和黑雪鱼。那些是这个季节和这个地区出名的海鲜吕后传奇。这个地方就被叫做本拉图港口渔村。我们7:30出发,到达的时间大约是8:00。但是在我们刚泊好车时就看到很多人带着购物袋离开港口快乐集邮论坛,也就是说我们不算早到或者说是来晚了。
(2) 买买买-重要的事情说三遍
当我们看到每个人都买了5,6只以上的螃蟹?,我们担心一会儿就会被买完(吃货的世界你懂滴 - 译注)。几分钟之后敌后英雄,我们最终花了23美元买到了7只螃蟹。黄蟹是市场中非常畅销的产品。我们也买到了一些石斑鱼藏秘排油 ,所以我们非常满意这次的早间购物,可谓满载而归灵璧天气预报 。
在我们排队买海鲜时Greenie 拿着相机不停的抓拍,直到我们提着盛有5种鱼的袋子在码头找到她时。港口被上千艘一个挨着一个停泊的渔船装点着,船身两侧有的漆成黑色,有的漆成蓝色。甲板以上都刷满了白色的油漆,殷祝平映衬着绿水,蓝天,绿树掩映下的红色建筑(红墙),放眼望去,白色成为这幅渔港水彩画的主色调。白色的海鸥也因此显得些许暗淡。
面向大海入口处的遗址上有一个写着“渔民纪念碑”的石牌坊,栩栩如生的再现了渔民生活。很对游客也是因它慕名而来。我们没有游览完所有的景点风之痕 ,因为很多新鲜的海鲜在煮或冷冻前需要清洗言默戒 。我们拍了一些照片后就驾车离开了。
在去渔港口的路上,Alice 的电话闪烁了一下。收到了一条信息,来自于她的大师兄,邀请我们中午去他家聚餐。我们当即决定反请他和他的妻子一起来我们的公寓共享海鲜派对。Alice 驾车回到家,我负责整理和清洁所有的鱼类,Greenie 负责制作所有的食物。于是在11:40之前索尔佳,一个美味的海鲜宴会诞生了(香槟美酒、黄蟹,多宝鱼等一桌红红的海鲜,令人食指大动 - 译者注)我们5个人吃完了所有的食物外加一份大号的蔬果沙拉代嫁贵妻 。
Harbor: 海港,渔人码头
Yellow crabs: 黄蟹(与网络照片“rock crabs"接近)
Rockfish: 红石斑鱼
Fishermen: 渔民
Memorial: 纪念碑,纪念馆
Unplanned :计划外的,没有预先安排的
Senior fellow apprentice :师兄(年长一些,或比自己投入同一门下时间早)
Counter proposal 反建议(不是反对建议,指针对对方的建议,提出自己的与对方不同的建议)
The Feast of senses: 感官盛宴
Tint: 色调
Catch: 捕获量:(渔民一次出海的捕获)