

black Jesus. 【单曲循环】Jesus,-Ricky的奇思妙想

black Jesus. 【单曲循环】Jesus洗码仔 ,-Ricky的奇思妙想
Black Spiderman
——Logic & Lemar Hudson
Logic: I’m not here to say what Jesus was or wasn’t. It just comes down to the fact that me saying五子棋八卦阵 , “Black Jesus,” shouldn’t make you feel a way. So what maybe Jesus was Black. You know how many Black households I’ve been in and they got Black Jesus?
There is legit Asian Jesus on people’s walls. I’ve gone in their house and they got Asian Jesus. I swear to god. These things exist, but I’ve been so used to seeing white Jesus,杨丽颖 everywhere. It’s not about that. It’s not about religion.
This is about racism. This is about depicting what is or should be or shouldn’t be. Let Spider-Man be Puerto Rican静默的观众 , Black, Asian or whatever. It doesn’t matter.
“ I don't wanna be black, I don’t wanna be white, I just wanna be a man todayI don't wanna be a Christian, Muslim宁武吧 , gay魔女猎人罗宾 , straight魔岛迷踪 , or bi, see you later达芙妮基恩, byeNot perceived by the things I believe or the color of my skinOr the fact I’m attracted to her, maybe him”

这里记录了一只小牛的快乐生活_(:3 」∠)_
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