

Bread】The Messenger 使者 【Daily-JesusChrist

Bread】The Messenger 使者 【Daily-JesusChrist

Ask the Lord to help you share His good news with others in the new year.
求主让我们在新的一年里星海猎人 ,能与人分享祂的福音。
I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me.Malachi 3:1

“I have a message for you!” A woman working at the conference I was attending handed me a piece of paper, and I wondered if I should be nervous or excited. But when I read, “You have a nephew!” I knew I could rejoice.
Messages can bring good news, bad news, or words that challenge. In the Old Testament, God used His prophets to communicate messages of hope or judgment. But when we look closely墨坛文学 , we see that even His words of judgment were intended to lead to repentance, healing, and restoration.
他人带来的消息可能是喜讯、噩耗,或是具有挑战性的话。在旧约圣经中ss同盟 ,上帝派遣祂的先知向百姓传达盼望或审判的信息。但我们若仔细研读就能明白,上帝审判的信息原是要引导人悔改、得着医治与复兴慈利教育网 。
Both types of messages appear in Malachi 3 when the Lord promised to send a messenger who would prepare the way for Him. John the Baptist announced the coming of the true Messenger陈亦然 , Jesus (see Matthew 3:11)—“the messenger of the covenant” (Malachi3:1) who will fulfill God’s promises. But He will act “like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap” (v. 2), for He will purify those who believe in His word. The Lord sent His word to cleanse His people because of His loving concern for their well-being.
God’s message is one of love, hope, and freedom. He sent His Son to be a messenger who speaks our language—sometimes with messages of correction, but always those of hope. We can trust His message.
Lord Jesus Christ, help me not only to understand Your message but to live it.
Malachi 3:1-5 NIV
3“I will send my messenger,who will prepare the way before me.Then suddenly the Lordyou are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant,whom you desire,will come,” says theLordAlmighty.2But who can endurethe day of his coming?Who can standwhen he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fireor a launderer’s soap.3He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver;he will purifythe Levites and refine them like gold and silver.Then theLordwill have men who will bring offerings in righteousness,4and the offeringsof Judah and Jerusalem will be acceptable to theLord, as in days gone by, as in former years.5“So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers,李芳雯adulterersand perjurers,against those who defraud laborers of their wages,who oppress the widowsand the fatherless, and deprive the foreignersamong you of justice, but do not fearme,” says theLordAlmighty.
玛拉基书 3:1-5
Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament, was written by a man whose name means “my messenger.” Malachi, believed to be a contemporary of Ezra and Nehemiah, ministered to the Jews who had returned from the Babylonian exile. Although the temple had been rebuilt (Ezra 6:14–15), the temple service and sacrifices were defiled for several reasons: lack of reverence for God, offering of blemished sacrifices (Malachi 1:6–9, 12–14), and willful neglect of the tithe (3:8–9). Worse, the priests were defiled by mixed marriages and marital unfaithfulness (2:1–16). Because the priesthood—which served as “the messenger of theLord”—failed in their priestly function (2:7–9), Malachi speaks of a future “messenger” who would prepare the way for “the messenger of the covenant” (3:1). Four hundred years later, Jesus identified John the Baptist as that messenger (Matthew 11:9–10; 17:12–13).
旧约的最后一卷书是玛拉基书闹婚记 ,“玛拉基”这个名字的意思是“我的使者”。一般认为,玛拉基是与以斯拉和尼希米同时代的人,服事那些被掳到巴比伦归回的犹太人。虽然当时圣殿已被重建(以斯拉记6章14-15节)沱沱网 ,但圣殿的事奉和献祭却被玷污,其中有几个原因:百姓不敬畏上帝;献上有瑕疵的祭物(玛拉基书1章6-9、12-14节);刻意忽略十分之一的奉献(3章8-9节)。更糟糕的是,祭司与外邦女子通婚或对配偶不忠而成为不洁(2章1-16节)。祭司是“上帝的使者”,但却未能尽祭司的职责(2章7-9节),所以玛拉基讲到,将来有位“使者”会为那位“立约的使者”预备道路(3章1节)。四百年后,耶稣明确指出,施洗约翰就是那位使者(马太福音11章9-10节,17章12-13节)。

校对:Rebecca Wei