

Breakfast Pizza is here! 英式早餐披萨上市!The-HomeslicePizza

Breakfast Pizza is here! 英式早餐披萨上市!The-HomeslicePizza
我们刚刚提供了新的招牌披萨 - 英式早餐披萨。英式早餐是很特别的全秀珍 ,其实大多人不认为这种菜适合早上吃!英式早餐有几个不能忘记的部分 - 鸡蛋,培根,香肠,还有面包或者土豆;也可以找焗豆,血香肠,蘑菇,番茄。现代的英国人不是每天早上都能吃到这种传统英式早餐的,但是经典永远都是很受欢迎的。
We've just launched a new special pizza - the English Breakfast. For the uninitiated, the English breakfast is quite special, although some don't think it's altogether suitable for eating in the morning. There are a few non-negotiable parts - eggs, bacon, sausage and either bread or potatoes (though others may disagree), and then there are some optional extras - baked beans, black pudding, mushrooms, tomato. Although it's quite rarely eaten as breakfast by modern Brits, it's still a very popular meal.
我们的英式早餐披萨有几个特点 - 培根和英式香肠都是用散养太湖黑猪肉自制的,我们用山胡桃木烟熏培根。香肠是用传统早餐香肠兽兽成双 ,主要的食用香料 是鼠尾草和黑胡椒光耦的作用 。除了肉,披萨上我们同时烤着蘑菇和好几个嫩鸡蛋鸡蛋 - 因为鸡蛋是这个披萨的最重要的部分,我们用精选朝一鸡蛋殷怡航。散养的鸡下得蛋,蛋黄是自然金黄的,在我们的天然大理石上烘烤后,清香四溢

Our pizza has a few things that make it special - the bacon and sausages are made in house with slow-reared heritage breed Taihu black pork. Our bacon is smoked with hickory chips, and our breakfast sausage is traditionally seasoned with a little sage and a healthy dose of black pepper. Besides the meat, it's topped with fried mushrooms and six hen eggs (just in case you thought those were quail eggs on top!) - we're using the excellent Chao Yi brand of eggs.
听完这些,你已经迫不及待得要品尝这个披萨了对吗?我们目前特定星期六和星期天白天做。另外点金神手,为了保护蛋黄有目标口感,我们只卖整个披萨 - 不能一角卖海蛤壳 。我们正常切披萨八分,但是我们放足了六个鸡蛋,就有六角。哪你还等什么呢?找五个朋友过来吃!因为本周末是清明节,所以星期六到下个星期二(4日)我们要做英式早餐披萨胆小狗英雄。
You know you want it, right? At present we're only serving it in the daytime at the weekend嗯瓮 , and what's more it is only served as a whole pie so that we can make sure the egg yolks are perfectly runny. While our pizzas are normally cut into 8 slices,展红绫 this only comes in six big slices because we couldn't fit any more eggs on top. What are you waiting for? Grab five friends and come down and try it.
As it's a long weekend for the Qingming festival this weekend, we'll be offering the English Breakfast every day from Saturday through to next Tuesday.