

Business 期待一堂能让你回味8年的8小时MBA管理课 UNI-国际MBA上海教学中心

Business 期待一堂能让你回味8年的8小时MBA管理课 UNI-国际MBA上海教学中心

获胜的UNI BUSINESS的学生们,将这一殊荣,归功于他们的老师——Raj Rajendran教授
在3月21日举行的Pella市场营销案例竞赛中,UNI PSE Dixon和他的团队在案例展示中,展示了如何使用扩充实境的方法向犹疑不决的客户出售窗户,并借此赢得了比赛的胜利。
和别的案例相比侯玉婷 ,这份案例并不长,但显然,Dixon已经做好了充分的准备娜绮丽 。而Dixon也表示,这完全需要归功于教授Raj Rajendran。

“Honestly, I pulled out a report I had done a month before in class and did the exact same thing,” Dixon said. “I just substituted this case and went through the same steps.””

作为UNI市场营销副教授的Raj Rajendran教授,在课堂上,给学生们提供了最贴合实际的营销案例分析课程,学生们通过课程学到的内容,制定营销计划并实施计划。
尽管在课堂上,学生们对于Raj Rajendran教授的授课内容,曾经有过质疑,但事实舒适堡官网 ,让他们彻底打消了这个疑虑。

“I’ve done case competitions in the past今井勇太 , and they were just kind of confusing because there wasn’t a direction that you wanted to go,” Dixon said. “But drawing back to some stuff we’ve done in Raj’s class was helpful — just going through those steps again.””
而对于学生们的一致好评,Raj Rajendran教授表示,他只是将教学重点,放在了如何深入分析不同的案例上。
“I can see the improvement in the students,” he said. “They are used to things like this, and they have improved very well. Not everything sticks, but enough sticks to make a difference.”
Dive into the stuff you’re learning in class. It’s obviously not going to be exactly the same as the real world, it’s not going to be laid out for you like that, but you’re going to be dealt problems in the real world and given stuff that you need to solve. So just kind of going through the steps in class那海兰珠 , it’s really helpful.”
你是否也想拥有如此优秀的老师,来让你的职场生活更上一层楼呢?不用着急,2019年1月,Raj Rajendran教授将会前来UNI MBA上海,教授Marketing Management课程。

Raj Rajendran教授曾经在多家知名刊物上发表自己的文章,其著作包括:Consumer Profiles and Perceptions: Country-of-origin Effects,The Influence of Worldmindedness and Nationalism on Consumer Evaluation of Domestic and Foreign Products 等等。同时,因其发布的优秀作品,还被授予Literati Award奖项。
Professor Background
K.N. (Raj) Rajendran Associate Professor of Marketing
Ph.D., University of Iowa; Master of Business Management, BHU, India; B.Sc. Engineering, IndianInstitute of Technology, BHU, India.
Teaching Interests
New Product Managementzjgrc , Pricing, Marketing Research, Marketing Strategy, Principles of Marketing, Marketing Management (MBA). He has also taught Consumer Behavior and International Marketing.
Research Interests
Exploring the structure and meaning of reference price, and its role in brand choice. Understanding consumer price and value perceptions. International dimensions of perceived quality and ad use. Consumer behavior and social media. Learning assurancein education and its uses using the Kano Model to classify attributes.

Recent Publications
Professional Accomplishments
Dr. Rajendran's papers have been published in theJournal of Marketing,International Marketing Review,Journal of Education for Business,Marketing Management Journal,Innovative Marketing,International Journal of Business Information Systems,Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the Elgar Companion to Consumer Research and Economic Psychology. His 1993 paper “Consumer Profiles and Perceptions: Country-of-origin Effects” (co-authored with Paul Chao) received the Literati Award for Excellence. The authors were invited to London, UK and received the award in person in a special ceremony from the UK Permanent Secretary for Education in November, 1993. Another paper in 1996 “The Influence of Worldmindedness and Nationalism on Consumer Evaluation of Domestic and Foreign Products” (co-authored with Mohammed Rawwas and Gerhard Wuehrer) received a Citation for Excellence from Anbar (Emerald) Management Review, (an electronic library/database of management journals world-wide).

Raj has presented papers at annual INFORMS Marketing Science Conferences over the years hosted by leading business schools in the US (Arizona, Florida, UC Berkeley加藤茶 , UCLA, Maryland, Illinois-Champaign, Washington, Washington University in St. Louis,林俊峰 Delaware, Rice, and Boston), Australia (AGSM, Sydney), France (INSEAD, Fountainbleu), Germany (Mainz, held in Weisbaden), Netherlands (Erasmus, Rotterdam), and Turkey (Ozyegin, Instanbul). He has also presented papers at the Academy of Marketing Science Conference in Phoenix, Arizona and at the “One World One Market – Vision 2020” International Conference in New Delhi, India co-sponsored by the Academy. Raj has presented at the Western Decision Science Institute,the annual Marketing Educators' Association Conference and the Informs International Conferenceas well.
Raj is a Professional Member of the American Marketing Association, an Associate of the Marketing Chapter of INFORMS, and a Fellow of the Academy of Marketing Science. He is a member of the India Association of Northeast Iowa and has served a five-year term as a Director.
International Experience
Nine years work experience in India (Banking/Consulting, 1974-'83)
Faculty in the World Bank's MSI Development Projects (Nepal/Sri Lanka)
Participant in University of South Carolina's Faculty Development in InternationalBusiness Program (1992)
Participant in University of Hawaii's CIBER program for Faculty Development inInternational Business involving travel to Japan, China, and Vietnam(2004)
Taught in UNI's MBA Program in Hong Kong (2002, 2007, 2015)
Taught at Shanghai DianJiUniversity in China (2015, 2016, 2017)