

CE 练习丨《交传口译练习》第52期-翻译爱好者联盟

CE 练习丨《交传口译练习》第52期-翻译爱好者联盟
2008年国际金融危机以来,国际社会一直在积极探索世界经济走出困境的有效路径,但时至今日情况仍未见明显好转。世界经济增速依然保持低迷,全球贸易和投资长期不振,保护主义和逆全球化思潮泛起,全球产业链、供应链和价值链加速重塑,地缘政治格局面临重大调整,世界经济面临的不确定性和不稳定性增多。中国已成为全球第二大经济体、第一大制造业国和货物贸易国、第三大利用外资国和对外投资国。对世界经济而言,中国经济不但是稳定锚,更是动力机和牵引器。中国也一直在为世界经济走出困境寻找办法和出路,积极与各方分享中国方案。Since the outbreak of international financial crisis(张口就来,0卡顿) in 2008我酷网 , the international community has been actively exploring effective ways for recovery勃大180 , yet has not seen much progress. The world economy faces increasing uncertainties and instability with slow growth101次抢婚 , lackluster global trade and investment宝瓶座流星雨 , rising trend of protectionism and de-globalization, accelerated restructuring of global industrial九族文化村 , supply and value chains and major changes in the geopolitical landscape. China now ranks second in total economic volume, first in manufacturing and trade in goods, and third in utilizing foreign investment and making outbound investment(这句话可以当成百科知识直接背下来). For the world economy新快现 , China is not only an anchor, but also an engine and tractor. China is also seeking measures and ways to get the world economy out of trouble and actively sharing China’s solutions with various parties.在多个重要场合吴敬琏传 ,习主席结合中国的发展经验和发展理念,为世界经济深度“把脉”宁夏网虫网 ,开出了一系列标本兼治、综合施策的中国“药方”,体现出十分鲜明的中国特色。On many important occasions,臧黎璐 based on China’s own development experience and ideas, President Xi took the pulse of the world economy(此用法在达沃斯论坛中也出现) and provided a holistic prescription with distinct Chinese features addressing both symptoms and root causes.
《交传口译练习》第51期 C-E
《交传口译练习》第50期 C-E (数字多 很虐)
《交传口译练习》第49期 C-E
《交传口译练习》第48期 C-E