

CFL Students wins in Chinese Contest 宁波华茂国际学校对外汉语学生勇夺汉语大赛桂冠--NBHIS宁波华茂国际学校

CFL Students wins in Chinese Contest 宁波华茂国际学校对外汉语学生勇夺汉语大赛桂冠|-NBHIS宁波华茂国际学校我眼中的曹操

4月13日,怀着紧张而期待的心情,我们迎来了第十届“中国风”国际生汉语大赛,比赛于宁波诺丁汉大学举行。比赛共邀请到了我校及其他四所在甬国际学校。最终,由对外汉语项目三名学生组成的宁波华茂国际学校代表队,以三轮艳压群芳的成绩夺得桂冠。On April 13th, with excitement and tension, our school participated in the tenth "China Wind" International Student Chinese Contest held by The University of Nottingham Ningbo China. Including our school and other four international schools in Ningbo attended it. Eventually, the three students of CFL programme on behalf of NBHIS gained the first place in the competition with an absolute advantage.

比赛共分为三个环节,中文演讲、中国知识问答和电影配音孙天勤,每个环节各代表队派一名学生出赛。在演讲环节,对外汉语项目的柳浩娟同学旁征博引,以独特的立意、别致的构思向所有在场的观众展现出了她对“古诗”这一标志性的中国文化的独到理解,同时也展现了她非凡的汉语能力薛中行。The competition has been divided into three parts: Chinese speaking,蔡轩正 Chinese quiz, and movie dubbing. Only one student in each group can compete with other contestants in each round. In the round of speech, Liu Haojuan demonstrated her profound understanding of the ancient Chinese poetry.It is her capability of citing well documented and extensive references ranging from past to present that amazes all the contestants and teachers.

在知识问答环节中,题目类型多样。李昌珉同学以满分的绝对优势获得了本轮比赛的第一名胖哥杨力 。让主持人感慨“李昌珉对中国和汉语的了解让一个中国人都感到佩服”。Astonished by Li Changmin’s outstanding performance in the question and answer round, the host said that his comprehensive understanding of Chinese even makes Chinese people admire.

最后一轮的电影配音环节,田在鸿同学在指导老师精心地为他换了行头、化了妆后,真实还原电影《前任3》片段弟子规手抄报 ,发音、节奏、动作都无可挑剔。In the final round of movie dubbing, Tian Zaihong, fine-dressed and made up with the help of his instructor,vividly restores a movie clip fromThe Ex-file III. His pronunciation, rhythm, and action are all impeccable.

据悉,从接到通知到参加比赛,只有短短的两个星期时间。对外汉语项目的老师和同学们利用了春假、下课时间,加班加点准备这次比赛。功夫不负有心人,在比赛落下帷幕,老师和学生们深深拥抱的那一刻筱田三郎 ,一切都变得值得。There were only two weeks for teachers and students in CFL programme to prepare the contest. They took full advantage of the spring break and the limited spare time after class, straining every nerve to make the best of everything.At the end of the competition木岛法子, the teachers and students embraced together, and everything became worthy.

Editor: Sonic
NBHIS High School Open Day
4月29日(星期日)April 29
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